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bOiz                                              gyrLs
Ethan: kewlest fwend...ish been a whiLe...u over there meeh over hea u knoe we kan stiLL kik it though foo
Steven: i dunnoe.....u gotta rape Kathy..she so sekc..haha
Seespaul: Wazzup i aint no weirdo haha
Mucio: muh kar ish gonna b better than urs mang gyeah yo kewl
Tim: Peepo dunt wanna b messin wiff chu...
Lil Kevin: Stop watchin porno shiet haha
Kevin: big headed haha j/p
Kampy: doode fight tooh mush....kewl dayam toan ish gonna lose...dat nikkaz stoopid
Jay: Stop followin yo older brother's path..
Tony: Kewl accord but mine ish gonna b better haha
Aroun: Dayam foo habnt talked for a whiLe....
Adam -n- Aaron: kewl known each other for a long tyme
Eric: Nyce bootay gyrL u got mang..u stoLe her away 4rm meeh..haha j/p
Brendan: haha i think Mucio's ELispe ish gonna b wai better than urs..haha dunnoe yet wait tiLL u get it souped up
Tu: wassup mang....phat ryde -n- aLL..dunt wry about meeh...ish gonna b tyte
Boty: stiLL a TLC fan? haha dayam
James: wassup foo c u when u kome to vizit
Tu (donally's man): tyte ryde u hab..habnt seen it in a while...iLL see laterz take karez ob muh kuzzy for meeh aight...hook meeh up wiff a exhaust mang....
Scott: dayam "matt" haha dunnoe wat to sai kuz u dooh look lyuke yo brother
Toan: dayam foo u gay aznn nikkaz...haha
Sammy: I kan teLL u stiLL lyke Kathy huh huh? haha watch out for Steven mang..
Vince: dayam alwayz has money...eva singLe day
Peter: wassup "brother" haha izh kewl welpz dayam i need yo heLp on cars since u knoe a hella lotz
Josh: dayam how kan u lose that fionr gyrL ob urs?? haha mayb bekuz ob meeh...hahaha j/p j/p
Yellow "mo joe" Jacket: haha wassup gyrL....u knoe u wiLL alwayz b wiff meeh foreva...neva let's go
Steven M: dayam u gettin big and buff shootz....
Adrian: Stop hittin muh yeLLow jacket....u prob obsessed wiff muh gyrL..mang..go awayz dayamit
Sunny: mang....i dunnoe whut to say about chu haha
Matt: Stop bein all kewl...i remember one tyme when u bought the mum for homecomin but dunt hab n e bodie go wiff chu..haha i feel sorrie for chu
Savatdy: yo kewl
Mai: dayam thanxs for supportin our family n meeh when i was lil even though u aint relative to us and muh dad let chu live wiff us and it was fun..mizz chu mang...ur lyke muh tru older brother but hey....we juss lost in touch..i dunnoe where u at??? dayam heard u got married and shietz...makin money the fLy wai..dang hope iLL find chu..
Tim: wassuppp tim...noboidie dunt wanna mess wiff chu kuz ur'll kik their asses but hey u kant kik muh ass haha
Ashton: azn washed haha shootz...need to learn more breakdancin movies..
Meek: dayam foo stop wearin all those types ob klothes haha..funnie lookin mang
Alex: wasup foo
Josh: dayam fawker b pimpin haha
Maria: Dayam i wiLL alwayz mizz chu...we far away 4rm each other but we kan stiLL taLk ya knoe..lub chu
Vy: wassup babez we kewl we laff alott yeah yeah haha
Phuongy: wassup....ums...yo kewl haha i dunnoe
Trynh: hey sekc.....u owe meeh money
Kathy: o snaps..ish kathy..makes meeh laff too much...but SHE GOTT SUM ASS lolz
Somi: aye wassup sek-c welpz peepoz say we look lyke a gott kouple and wiLL b one sum day haha
Emily: hey emiLy....imma kome and get chu haha..kome and lib wiff meeh..j/p
Donally: wassup kuzzy...mang long tyme no see...heard tu has a racin harts rims and a loud azz exhaust..hook meeh up.....
Ratsamy: hey aight u married hab one kid and startin a lyfe which u've alreadie dyd and dat's goot..keep it dat wayz...
Wani: wani wani dunnoe knoe EXACTLY y u broke up wiff muh brother...OOooO gyeah i knoe y....kuz he lyked another gyrL..dayam sorrie u kan find sum one better than him
Nina: dayam nina long tyme no taLk..where hab chu been? dang we needa talk more
On*e Mimi: oo mimi ish hyper haha gyeah when u b at showplace u b loud and shiet haha nyce nyce pic..especially yo thong haha ish sekc
Meme: gyeah we dunt talk much but we startin tooh...
On*e Kristine: wassupi how you b?? wlpz keeP on*E  alive n hott and sek c
ExBz Alissa: IM OLDER...haha u aint older than meeh shootz...go to sleep
Karrie: u and mucio should go out haha dunnoe y..kuz yaLL both mexican?? haha dunnoe
Leslie: aye babez i lyke yo hair...ish tyte...sorrie things dydnt work out but we kan work things out
Ashley: KUZZZYy muh lil gyrL...keep that smilez and dunt let no one change that
I x A Jenny: dayam gurL weve known each other since watz?? since we hella lil kids..gyeah we lyke bro and sis...we help each other out wehneva we need tooh and thanxs for bein there for meeh az ill alwayz wiLL b dere for chu
I x A: HHHHEYYYY wasup.....hmm...BBBIGGG AAAAAASSSS haha
Mim: dayam gyrl u krazie and i lyke it dat way haha ish kewl habin yooh az muh fwend
I x A Monica: whoa whoa..i dunt see n e bodie...*Lookin down* o hey monica haha u short but ish aLL goOt..
Somi: wassup somi...gyeah we kewl and aLL dat hope chu hab nuttin bad to deal wiff in yo future and yo b/f
I x A Rina: whoa haha big azz welpz ish been great knoein yooh this year...
I x APenny: dayam lyke i said to jenny...we lyke bro and sis weve known each other for a long azz tyme...let's keep it dat wayz
Khanhty: gyeah u a junior and imma sporhie and meeh older than chu...lyke u lyke yo brother and ish kewl
Trina: dayam trina?? y so madd?? i heard u lyked meeh alott but hey juss becuz i flirt wiff other gyrls doesnt mean u aint no goot for meeh...i mean u barley knew meeh and u kried....sowweeeiizz forgib meeh?
Exbz Malysa: imma ur new pornographer haha
Mary Ann: hey we habnt talk much but hey keep it reaL
Jannie: wassuppp welpz meeh remember u and jay bak in tha dayz haha long story..shiet...welpz ur lyke muh lil sis and ums.....BIG BOOTaY GYRL haha
Exbz Diane: hey baiz haha dunnoe wat tooh saiz
Alicia: I LUB ALICIA haha rite riote?ke
Exbz Brandy: jjoyyyyy haha how u doins? goot? welpz oiy dunt let joe kome and get chu haha
Anna: annnnnaaaa muh fave koollioz fwend...haha
Anna (sees' gyrL): goot luck wiff seespaul
Noy: gyeah weve known each other for a while bak in the dayz ish kewl
Lao Leslie: wasssupp c chu laterz
Cici: Ur hott lyke fiyah haha shootz
Exbz Jennie: U so keeeeeeeeeeewwwwllllllll haha
Vy: u muh goot lil sista
...n tooh all the other peepoz who ish showin much lub
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